Boxing classes at JFM will build the strength and endurance you need. Our classes are built around blocks. The first block is our warm-up followed by some light stretching. After this we will get into the circuit training part of our workout. Here you will either work 1-1 on mitts with your trainer, or you'll be working on a bag- or floor-station doing exercises specifically chosen for optimal HIIT and/or increasing your boxing skills and technique.
The final block of the one-hour workout is our ab-session. This final block is focusing only on the abdominal muscles and will help you strengthen your core.
JFM wants your trip to the gym to be convenient and in flow with the rest of your schedule. Your experience level doesn't determine which class you should take. The classes focus on your individual level and how we can help you get to the next level!
Our high intensity interval training will have you burning upwards of 700 calories per class. Afterwards, you may get the urge to go out and kick life in the ass! Don't say we didn't warn you...
You don't need to bring much, other than yourself, in your workout clothes. But it may help you feel comfortable if you bring;
- Comfortable and versatile workout clothes
- Shoes only for indoor use
- A water bottle
3127 Washington Ave, MDR, 90292 - street and neighborhood parking
1. Book the class you want to attend
2. Register with an email
3. Select the first class free!
4. Show up! You'll get a welcome email with details